Please listen to the good christmas song as well, not only to those kitschy sticky gluey ones. The good one is called "War is over" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

By the way, I just came across a new movie featuring John Lennon. It is called "The U.S. vs. John Lennon". I don't know if it's any good. Have a look at it here.

Happy x-mas everybody!



Howdie, Folks.

Hard times for wintersports-dependent regions like the one I am living in. Sport stores opened, cablecars constructed, hotels enlarged, foreign workforce for the kitchen hired, everything is set.

"Something is still missing, isn't it? Something is not right, right?"

"Yeah. I can't get rid of that feeling that the newly constructed wing of my hotel might be too small in the end.

The proper description of the city I life in lies somewhere between "middle size" and "provincial". It depends, like so much else, on your point of reference.

What has been kind of ridiculous, though, was a campaign by the city council some time ago. They started to announce that Innsbruck (that is the city's name) would convert into a cosmopolitan city. I didn't even get the point of why they came up with that slogan, it does not feel that incredibly more cosmopolitan than it did before.

The movie focus continues. The new film of Alejandro Gonzalez InĂ¡rritu is going to be out in a few days. InĂ¡rritu is a personal hero of mine. The coming movie "Babel" is the third and last piece in a trilogy, which unites some important stories of our times: "Amores Perros", "21 gramms" and as mentioned before, "Babel".

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am sorry for not having posted for such a long time. I've had quite some stuff to do. Let me just briefly introduce the ski which is going to be my vehicle through this year's winter. I could imagine that this is not very interesting for some of you - again I have to apologize. But I am just feeling like a kid with glowing eyes, standing in front of the christmas tree, waiting for the chorals to end so that it finally can unwrap the presents. I am waiting for the snow.

Yesterday I saw the new movie of Sacha Baron Cohen, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." I liked parts of it, although it shows a very strange kind of humour - if you can call it "humour"anyway. It's rather a good dose of regime critique. The Kazakhis are portrayed in an impressive way, impolite, sexist, antisemitic, violent and undereducated. It is satire, 100%. I wonder if anybody from Kazakhstan can laugh about it, though.

and again an amazing video, this time a video about the carneval in rio de janeiro.

main character in this film is noone else but mr universe and gouverneur of california mr. arnold schwarzenegger!




I've been to the movies. The film was called "Exile Family Movie" by a Irani-Austrian named "Arash". The film was just recently awarded the "Diagonale Award for the best Austrian documentary movie". And that jury sure did a great job.

It's all about the story of Arash's big Iranian family which is ripped apart during the Schah's regime. Family members have to flee the country, are thrwon into jail or are executed.

Her name is Juliette Lewis and a she is by now a renowned actress, appearing in movies like "Natural born killers" (as Mallory Knocks) or "From Dusk Till Dawn" to name just the most famous ones. Now she has got her third album as a musician out, called "Four on the floor". Listen to pieces of it here.

To all the german readers I must recommend the wikipedia article containing her absolutely movie-like biography, the english wikipedia article is not so good, unfortunately.

mattatoio, U Roma 3, originally uploaded by leisuretronic.

I was in Rome for a couple of days. Had the luck to be able to participate in the defence of the final thesis of two of my friends there. Fosco and Mariabruna are architects now - Congratulations! Their thesis was about urban voids in Philadelphia, where an incredibly great part of the city center is effectively deserted. They were presenting possibilities of dealing with the problem, from an architectonic perspectic of course.
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