I would like to introduce my co-author. His most recent post can be found just below. His name is Dani. Unfortunately for my international friends, he's writting in German (at least for now). Don't get discouraged, I'll keep posting in English.

Stay tunedflo.

hallo zusammen.

hier eine kurze (lange) beschreibung meines heutigen kafkaesken tages. Wenn jeder tag so verlaufen würde, müsste man sich gedanken machen.

vorne weg: ich musste nach dornbirn, da ich einen kleinen eingriff am auge hatte( netzhautablösung und mit laser wieder verkleben). hierzu musste ich um 05:15 aufstehen! schlimm genug, dachte ich. dann regen. Im regen zum bahnhof stapfen. o.k. kann passieren. dann im zug kein ticket.

I took that picture today. I adore snow, don't get me wrong, but...flo.

Being reunited with that thing up there is like meeting a good old friend again. It's really great.


I've just finished the GRE practice test from the official ETS-software ("powerprep") for the first time. The maths section is really some orders of magnitude harder than in any preperation book I have seen so far. I must admit that I was kind of shocked.

People: take the official ETS practice test, that's the real benchmark I would say.

I've got ten days to go. That will be nice ten days then, don't you tell me...

I've spent some nice days in Croacia, on Rab Island. Beautiful landscape there, and with the boat of a friend one reaches even the best hidden bay. People are friendly and the water is incredibly clean, all in all a perfect spot for some decent holidays.

Rab Island, Croacia

After that I went to Rome. Rome in August (around "ferragosta") is nothing less incredible than one of these bays around Rab island: in either place there is noone.

Hello Folks!

Today I took my TOEFL-exam. If you can avoid taking it, I would urgently recommend to do so. There are surely more useful things one can waste one's time on. But nevermind, the mighty ETS dictates the lives of us prospective graduate students, so there is nothing you can do about it.

Now I'm off for some holidays.

After which I will take the next ETS exam. This time it's called GRE, from the "nastiness-viewpoint" it is three categories worse than TOEFL, so...hip hip hurra.
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