I've been to the movies. The film was called "Exile Family Movie" by a Irani-Austrian named "Arash". The film was just recently awarded the "Diagonale Award for the best Austrian documentary movie". And that jury sure did a great job.

It's all about the story of Arash's big Iranian family which is ripped apart during the Schah's regime. Family members have to flee the country, are thrwon into jail or are executed. The family members are dispersed all over the planet (Austria, Sweden, USA and Iran) and keep in contact via video tapes, where they inform each other about news (who married and who died, for example). 20 years after they fled the country they can arrange a meeting in Mekka, Saudi Arabia, covered as muslim pilgrims.

Her name is Juliette Lewis and a she is by now a renowned actress, appearing in movies like "Natural born killers" (as Mallory Knocks) or "From Dusk Till Dawn" to name just the most famous ones. Now she has got her third album as a musician out, called "Four on the floor". Listen to pieces of it here.

To all the german readers I must recommend the wikipedia article containing her absolutely movie-like biography, the english wikipedia article is not so good, unfortunately.

mattatoio, U Roma 3, originally uploaded by leisuretronic.

I was in Rome for a couple of days. Had the luck to be able to participate in the defence of the final thesis of two of my friends there. Fosco and Mariabruna are architects now - Congratulations! Their thesis was about urban voids in Philadelphia, where an incredibly great part of the city center is effectively deserted. They were presenting possibilities of dealing with the problem, from an architectonic perspectic of course.
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