
I'm gone to south america for some time. Argentina and Brazil are on the schedule. Hope to be able to report some nice stories when I'm back.

In the meantime all the best to you. See you around!flo.

Caution: This is not fun. If you are looking for a relaxing minute on somebody's blog, this is not the occasion.

The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (F65.4) defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age.

According some studies, the proportion of male adults classifiable as pedophiles is as high as 25% of the overall population (source).

The question, if the right to carry guns fosters or reduces crime is a hard one. It is particularly hard to satisfactorily test and prove any one of the hypothesis, for the causality in the phenomenon cannot identified.

Were there so many crimes committed in a certain city, because there were so many guns available? Or was it just the other way around, because the crime rate was very high, so many people wanted to own guns ?

You know what I think - read it below.

If you want more on the gun issue: read the pro-guns here.

And the contra-guns there.

Just a remark to the pro-guns guy: His point is based on some stories, where "upright citizens made a tactical move" (sic!) and could avoid a massacre with their own guns. According to him, if you do not carry a gun, you are just a silly victim to the clever bad guys, who obviously do carry guns.

I found this on the homepage of the National Rifle Association a moment ago. Listen up:

The National Rifle Association joins the entire country in expressing our deepest condolences to the families of Virginia Tech University and everyone else affected by this horrible tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families.

We will not have further comment until all the facts are known.

Today I read in the newspaper, that Austria's BAWAG bank cancelled the deposits of roughly 100 cuban customers.



The BAWAG bank is still owned by Austria's largest union (ÖGB) and has slid into one of the greatest banking scandals just recently, caused mainly by speculative activities offshore. To secure the survival of the union, the bank is being sold to US fund "cerberus".

plaza colón, originally uploaded by leisuretronic.

This post is inspired (like some others as well) by my friend Fosco. On his blog, he recalls what happened exactly 3 years ago, March 11 of 2004 in Madrid, Spain. This day early in the morning, various bombs ripped apart commuter trains loaded with workers and students. 200 people died in the event. It was the fiercest manifestation of terror in Europe so far.

I was living in Madrid during this period.

It can be so hard to adapt to a new system sometimes. Sometimes your only way out of the mess is to call:


As already mentioned some time ago, the inauguration of the first Italian museum in Second Life is about to happen. Doors open the 26th of February 2007.

Instructions: Follow the coordinates on the poster above (click to view full size). Make use of public transport. Be punctual. No tricks. No police.

"Coordinates? Second Life? What's a museum?" --> learn more here.


I've been asked to review the movie "Haven". Yesterday I confronted myself with the piece: From the cover of the DVD I was not expecting too much.

But then I was positively surprised. Sure, it's not gonna win Cannes, but I think it is quite appropriate for a movie at home (considering the alternative crap on TV). Ok, so what's it all about:

The movie is set (and shot) on the Cayman Islands.
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