As already mentioned some time ago, the inauguration of the first Italian museum in Second Life is about to happen. Doors open the 26th of February 2007.

Instructions: Follow the coordinates on the poster above (click to view full size). Make use of public transport. Be punctual. No tricks. No police.

"Coordinates? Second Life? What's a museum?" --> learn more here.


I've been asked to review the movie "Haven". Yesterday I confronted myself with the piece: From the cover of the DVD I was not expecting too much.

But then I was positively surprised. Sure, it's not gonna win Cannes, but I think it is quite appropriate for a movie at home (considering the alternative crap on TV). Ok, so what's it all about:

The movie is set (and shot) on the Cayman Islands.

I take the opportunity to introduce another Austrian musician. Rainer "Binder & Krieglstein" is one of our greatest. The video below is unfortunately uploaded in low quality, sorry for that. What you should recognize, though, is the "terminator" running through Graz, which is the capital of Styria, which is where Arnold "Terminator" Schwarzenegger is originally from.

Nice band from Austria. Just heard them on the radio, check out the video. I really like the chorus, where they sing in two voices.

As I read on their myspace, they entered the Austrian indie-charts quite successfully. I didn't know the Austrian indie-charts either, two minutes ago.

Austria back on its way to international glory (music-wise)?

Well. Rather not. Not yet.

Just listen to the song, will you? (title of song: love)


Gallery_012, originally uploaded by gridgallery.

I am sure that most of you have heard of "second life". Second life is virtual reality at work. People create so-called "avatars" which represent them in the computer environment. These avatars are then guided by "players" at home, in front of their computer.

At difference to so many other online applications, only very few parts of what you see happening on your screen is actually dictated by a computer program.

Stones Throw Records has done it again: the underground hiphop label put out their wonderful compilation Chrome children for the second time.

Volume 2 is up for grabs at their website: FOR FREE.

16 finest hiphop tracks for free. Good thing to do, distribute it on the web for free. Or is it?

Critics of this habit say that if you distribute "good" music for "very low" a price (= zero), people will not valuate the "good music" correspondingly.
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