If you want more on the gun issue: read the pro-guns here.

And the contra-guns there.

Just a remark to the pro-guns guy: His point is based on some stories, where "upright citizens made a tactical move" (sic!) and could avoid a massacre with their own guns. According to him, if you do not carry a gun, you are just a silly victim to the clever bad guys, who obviously do carry guns. In his world there exists an equilibrium where every person owns a gun, because you never know - if a madman comes around the corner, you can take him down.

In the world of the contra-guns guy, there exists another equilibrium. Very few people own guns, and under tight supervision: think of police. Yes, pro-guns guy, it IS possible to control who owns a gun and who does not.

I found this on the homepage of the National Rifle Association a moment ago. Listen up:

The National Rifle Association joins the entire country in expressing our deepest condolences to the families of Virginia Tech University and everyone else affected by this horrible tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families.

We will not have further comment until all the facts are known.

Today I read in the newspaper, that Austria's BAWAG bank cancelled the deposits of roughly 100 cuban customers.



The BAWAG bank is still owned by Austria's largest union (ÖGB) and has slid into one of the greatest banking scandals just recently, caused mainly by speculative activities offshore. To secure the survival of the union, the bank is being sold to US fund "cerberus".
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