ok, lost 3:4, but still. first 60 minutes were great. now back to work!

[me too]flo.

Of course, and only in case you haven't noticed:

this is a relaunch.flo.

what I am looking forward to: the return of my girlfriend with my old playmate zooey (her dog), and a carload full of salami and parmiggiano.

what I am not looking forward to: preparing for the exams [assume that for posts during the next two months]


hello everyone!

my friend from iraq asked me to post something about life in the UK. Lots of stuff to tell, that's for sure. I don't know where to start, for a beginning, and I am not the person best capable of writing such descriptions. I am doing a rather time-consuming Master programme and haven't really seen a lot of London (my fault, I know) - I will make up for it.
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