The fascist candidate Alemanno (what a coincidential name) has won the mayor's election in Rome. This picture shows some of his supporters celebrating. Make what you want of the way they salute, I for my part know what to think of it.

Italy's going down. What a pity.

(I would wish that I have to revise that post in a year or so and have to admit that it all turned out well. I am extremely pessimistic in this respect.)


have a look at this video from the economist's Kal.flo.

Policing a city is a costly issue. Full time officers have to be paid decently, firstly in order to attract enough recruits and secondly in order to forestall corruption. So, maintaining a working police force costs a lot of money. In London, you can sign up for a voluntary police unit, policing the city as a support officer ("special constable") for two 8-hour shifts a month. That's 16 hours of free policing-time per volunteer per month.

yes, after more than half a year of living hear, I finally could not avoid it any longer. Had to buy a decent outfit for an upcoming ocassion. I went to Oxford Circus, today, which is Saturday, so there were quite a few people there. I don't overly enjoy shopping, I'm not really interested in fashion, but rather complying with social norms, if you know what I mean. And I would freeze if I'd go naked.

Have you ever thought that in order to make your point in a political debate, it is a good idea NOT to cast your vote in an election? If you know a bit Italian, find out here or there (there the quality is better):

via: foodstockflo.

Markus Rogan (AUT) starting to win the 200 m backstroke in the swimming world championship last week in Manchester. I didn't know they start like this. Anyway, pretty impressive - I came to know how hard swimming can be.


Das Rettungsteam von Graninger Fleischkonserven (Firmensitz: Hittisau) war gestern in Ostlondon, im Stadtteil Tower Hamlets im Einsatz. Die Einsatskräfte wurde zu einem schwer unterfutterten jungen Mann gerufen, der beim Öffnen seines Kühlschranks in Ohnmacht gefallen war. Grund dafür dürfte die grosse Lehre im inneren des Gerätes gewesen sein. Die Firma Graninger denkt über die Eröffnung einer Filiale in der Englischen Hauptstadt nach.


19 year old man from Baghdad, telling his life as an interpreter for the multinational forces. Note that an "interpreter" is not working behind a desk (maybe on a computer) but has the function of going with armed forces for missions in the city, raiding houses, being shot at and you know what else. Sounds like a real thriller.

interpreter's lifeflo.

Dear investor,

the world is likely facing a severe economic crisis. Housing prices are collapsing around the globe, putting homeowners with mortgages on their houses in a bad situation. Mortgages are being re-evaluated by mortgage lenders and banks, because the value of the house is less than the market thought.

Despite this sinister outlook, I can offer a valuable piece of advice to you.
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