I am leaving for 10 days of vacation. Exams were horrible. Tell you more about it soon. Will get sun-burned first.flo.

If you are interested in prose, find a lot of it (and other stories) in Pablo's blog. He is based in Buenos Aires. This link goes to one of my favourite stories:


I bet you knew that (and thank heavens, I like it as well, which makes survival here much easier). Some clever people took notice of this fact and subsequently turned it into an amazing marketing strategy. Below you can see just one example I came across recently.

I can assure you that the salad you see on this picture doesn't taste AT ALL buttery. Buttery: "resembling or containing or spread with butter"; wordreference.com

Obviously it doesn't matter if the lettuce resembles butter or not.

Credit Crunch explained. Hillarious. Outstanding.

via: http://arielrubinstein.tau.ac.il/flo.


12/05: microeconometrics

15/05: economics & psychology

19/05: industrial organisation

21/05: microeconomics

23/05: econometrics

27/05: game theory

29/05: macroeconomics

And then I'll go on holiday. Some island in the sun. No money.flo.

Despite the apparent danger that this blog is slowly degrading into a "lonely island in the pacific"-blog, here is yet another story. I have to cite Russell Roberts on econtalk, where I first heard the following story, which I find quite interesting (I think I remember him mentioning it was on one of his exams while at U Chicago):

Here we are again, back on our decent island in the sun. It is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Imagine one day there arrives a visitor.
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