the big picture
Hi guys.
this week we have some "light entertainment". I found this little film about how all the strings (could) get together to fabricate what we call "the credit crunch". Needless to say that in a 10 minute animation one can hardly explain anything in great detail. Nevertheless I have found it quite interesting and very entertaining. The creator raises some interesting issues; on the other hand it seems that he draws a lot of conclusions about causality, in other words, whose "fault" this whole mess is.
I want to emphasize, before you watch the clip, that people respond to INCENTIVES. Suppose there is an action which a person could take: it is known to be very risky and even dangerous to the entire system, but it promises enormous profits if successful.
this week we have some "light entertainment". I found this little film about how all the strings (could) get together to fabricate what we call "the credit crunch". Needless to say that in a 10 minute animation one can hardly explain anything in great detail. Nevertheless I have found it quite interesting and very entertaining. The creator raises some interesting issues; on the other hand it seems that he draws a lot of conclusions about causality, in other words, whose "fault" this whole mess is.
I want to emphasize, before you watch the clip, that people respond to INCENTIVES. Suppose there is an action which a person could take: it is known to be very risky and even dangerous to the entire system, but it promises enormous profits if successful.